The good news for the sector, arrives from Brussels through the European Environment and Climate Action Program – LIFE, opened by the European Union with an envelope of 3.4 billion euros for envirnoment, climate change and resource efficiency proyects between 2014 and 2020.
Public organizations, private companies and NGOs can benefit from this program.
The objetcive of the program is to contribute to an efficient economy in the use of resources, in the case of waste managers to influece the material and energetic recovery of resources, reducing the sending of waste to landfills, which today are not all controlled causing not only envirnomental problems but fines for companies.
From Poligabi we support this kind of measures and boost their knowledge. We trust the improvements in the sector on a circular and efficient economy. Thus, our current solutions that are already a relief and improvement of competitiveness in waste managers, can be boosted in innovative projects aligned with the need of our customers.
To access all the program information: Click here