Murcia: illegal dumping of hazardous waste

The news comes from Murcia, agents of SEPRONA of the Guardia Civil discovered a storage center for hazardous waste, as well as a dumping point that leaked waste.

On the other hand, a group of citizens alerted the Guardia Civil of odors and hazardous substances around a chemical company and hazardous waste manager.

From ASEGRE, the General Secretary, has stated that it is a very serious conduct that generates impact on 2 levels: environmental and economic. Illegal practice that harms waste managers who have to pay taxes according to law. In the same way, he is grateful for the great work done by the Seprona to put an end to these practices that harm the collective.

In Poligabi we would like to thank the waste managers who collaborate with us in search of new functionalities that help to improve their internal processes, work efficiently, complying with environmental standards with an adequate waste management software.

Source: El Mundo
