Poligabi has created a new management tool targeted to provide solutions for Quality Systems Management.


  • It allows easy control of documents and records required by the quality management system. As well as the monitoring of all the incidences detected in the relationship with suppliers and subcontractors.
  • Allows to keep up with quality dashboards up to date.
  • Helps to maintain the equipment stock and to plan calibrations and maintenance.
  • It helps to schedule downstream activities from audits as well as to track the correction of non-conformities.
  • Facilitates the maintenance of updated employee CV and the control of acquired competencies.


Simplify the management of  processes linked to quality standards and allow centralized electronic records and documentation with security control and accessible from any Internet access point.


  • Companies that have certifications (ISO, EFQM, etc.) or are in the process of certification such as ISO14000.
  • OSHAS-18000, Testing and Calibration Laboratories ISO-17025, Clinical Analysis Laboratories ISO-15189, CE and N Marking, Natursense, EREPGAP.