Illegal landfills and problems with the EU

The previous conditions

Ojective the European Comission has is to recycle 70% of local waste and 80% of waste in packages till 2030. The prohibition of throwing waste subjet to recylcling from 2025 on. A serious waste management problem to which we must all contribute in one way or another.

The Spanish Case

There are over 30 landfills dsitributed over the country that should have been closed, and due to unheeded warnings from the European Commission, which have not been complied with, has motivated a complaint to the Court of Justice to take the Spanish offense all the way to the finals.

The Law

The 1999 directive on the landfill of waste, forced to examine the conditions of existing ladnfills an to decide what to do with them: adapt them to meet strict safety requirements or close them if they could not meet them.

Brussels gave until July 2009 to put in order the facilities of the Member States, which in the case of Spain was not done, leaving 28 landfills outside the protection of the law.

The consequences

If the Court rules against Spain (within approximately 2 years for the ruling) the fine that would be generated would be assessed according to the severity of the damage, time and very importantly its calculation would be variable on the country’s GDP, which in these times any extraordinary expense harms our progress to leave aside the crisis and go towards a circular economy.
